Passive Fire Protection Partners was created to develop and manufacture firestop compounds using "state of the art" technology to overcome deficiencies found in other products in today's market.
The principals of Passive Fire Protection Partners have been involved in the application of North American made firestop materials since the industry's inception. They became acutely aware of the toxic contents of these products (as evidenced by warnings on the labels and safety data sheets) and were convinced that existing materials must be improved for ease of use and user safety.
Several years of research and testing resulted in Passive Fire Protection Partners developing the only tested and approved elastomeric, water-soluble and non-toxic firestop systems in North America at that time.
The company's products are tested and rated by Warnock Hersey, a division of Intertek Testing Services, Factory Mutual Research Corp., Omega Point Laboratories and by Underwriters Laboratories (UL). Passive Fire Protection Partners not only ensures consistent products and services to our customers but we also ensure that we have systems and procedures in place to continually monitor and improve our business operations with the aim of enhancing customer satisfaction. Having a quality management system, not only ensures consistent products and service to our customers, but it also ensures that we have systems and procedures in place to continually monitor and improve our business operations with the aim of enhancing customer satisfaction.
The Passive Fire Protection Partners product line offers following significant advantages to the user:
Products are non-toxic and non-hazardous, assuring no harmful side effects to the applicator and end user.
They are faster and easier to install and clean up, resulting in significant cost savings to the contractor.
All are water soluble prior to curing and waterproof when cured.
Superior damp adhesion allows application to damp surfaces.
Friendly to "job site" conditions, can be applied to mildly contaminated surfaces.
Passive Fire Protection Partners has made their high quality products available at extremely competitive prices.
The user can enjoy the many product benefits and substantial purchase savings.
Passive Fire Protection Partners was founded on the premise that through the development and use of non-toxic, easily installed firestop products, the firestop industry can achieve "SAFETY WITHOUT RISK".With Passive Fire Protection Partners products, a new standard of safety and performance has been created throughout the passive fire protection industry.
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